
Sonitrol Foils Lawn Care Break-in! Congrats to Sonitrol veteran 3rd shift operator Vicky Leazer, who received a camera alarm from Fitzpatrick Lawn Care. While dispatching as a verified video alarm, the operators watched in awe as the criminals drove over and through the customer’s fence in a rented U-Haul 26-foot truck. All the crooks could grab was a few bundles of straw. As they retreated back the way they came, they were blocked in by police cruisers. Watch this video of an WBTV 3 news report about the amazing job done by Sonitrol, our operators, and the Charlotte Police Department!
Sonitrol Reduces Number of False Alarms to Police 
What if you could hear the sound of an alarm being tripped as its happening? You can! It’s how police were able to catch a pair of potential thieves, because someone at Sonitrol was listening. According to the Department of Justice, between 94-98% of all alarm activations are false. Watch this video of an ABC40 news report of an actual alarm, and an actual arrest because of Sonitrol!